Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh how i Love these TWINS! {Metairie Childrens Photographer}

Hudson and Reagan are about the cutest things I ever did see! Their momma has been letting me take their pictures since they were itty bitty and she always has the most cute and creative ideas! i LOVE this lil family! And as always, there was no lack of cuteness in our time together :-) 

Friday, November 26, 2010

To The RESCUE!!! {Metairie Childrens Photographer}

I told you their momma was awesome! Check out these superheroes (aka Hudson & Reagan)... out to save the day! It pretty much doesn't get any cuter than this .... now don't you feel safe? 

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Sweet Chin Family {New Orleans Family Photographer}

The Chin family! They are such a unique and beautiful family. These boys are a hilarious handful  to hang out with and their newest little addition... oh she is just scrumptious! Here's a sneak peek!